Thought of the day 06/01/2015

So this is my first thought I have had a chance to put on here for a while.

Obviously Christmas took up a lot of time, and blogging did get put down the list of priorities slightly... However, the new term begins soon, so in turn, so will my favourite form of procrastination. So watch this space!!

Anyway, today's thought of the days is dedicated to a special lady who has gone doolally/cuckoo/I don't know how to save her. So I have found a bunch of quotes to help... hopefully... fingers crossed!

So this is the thought (felt by my friend):
But, I tell her, 

And, that we are here for her:

I believe that:

People who run back to their ex

Gave up on trying to do better

And, that...


And... You should...

I wish you would think like this...

My thoughts exactly...

We all appreciate this is a difficult place to be...

But not looking back is the most important part... because

I think you should text him (or let me text him) saying:
Because it is totally true!

But I want to finish with this one, 

Love you darling. Take the right step xxx


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I would love it if you left me a little message...