Must read!!

If you are anything like me, then you will love reading. Whether it's a full on novel, a flick through the pages of the newspaper/magazine, or even if you just tune in to check in on Jessie's Juicy Jargon ;). We all love reading, even if you don't realise it. I think it's pretty good for the soul.

Anyway, I'm so excited! Because for Christmas, I got a voucher for Waterstones! So I took  a trip to the shops and got myself not just one, but three new books! And I can't wait to get started!

So I thought I would share with you the three books I have bought.

Have you read any of them?

So, this one is a sequel of a book called Alex, that I have already read- and is a fantastic story... So hopefully, this one will be similar in it's quality. The only disappointing thing with its predecessor, was the translation, as the author is French, and I felt that a few parts of the book were 'lost in translation'. Nonetheless, the story was very gripping and page turning and I can't wait to get in to the second one!

Elizabeth Is Missing.
Well, I could never understand, when I was little, why my mum spent such a long time reading the reviews of books- for instance instead of reading the blurb she would read the reviews... well, today, I fully realised the beauty of this. I bought this book, based on the reviews of it. They are memorising, and there are so many of them, that they added extra pages on the inside!! It is supposed to be a very very good book, so I think I will start this one first.

Dark Places
This is Gillian Flynn novel, the author of Gone Girl. It goes without saying that this should be a brilliant novel. It has been recommended to me by many people. So I have finally got the chance to get my hands on a copy of my own... Have you read it?

Unfortunately, having gone back to Uni, I am going to struggle to find the time to actually read any of these books. But with a little bit of luck, I will find some time to get reading :D

1 comment:

  1. oooo super, I'm always on the look out for new books, How did you get on with Elizabeth is Missing? If you enjoy Mystery books you should try The Yard by Alex Grecian, I read it in about 2 days (which never happens) and was hooked.
    Betty x
    The Betty Stamp


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