26 essential items for your 'slob zone'

Everyone has those days where you just want to lie down on the sofa due to zero energy; you want to spend as little energy as possible throughout the day; you want to watch a movie and slob out.

Whether you have just got home from work and you want to have a night of slobbing out, or you have woken in the morning with a hangover in need of serious TLC; either way, if you follow these tips, you can't go wrong. 

I mean, come on, everyone wants to just slob out every once in a while. So here's an essential guide to doing it right, in the most effortless way.

Organisation is key in planning your slob out. You must gather all necessary items.

Necessary items for an effortless slob out.
Obviously it depends on what type of person you are. But here is a list of things that can be used by men/women, just pick what takes your fancy. 

  1. Crisps
  2. Chocolate
  3. Popcorn
  4. Sweets
  5. Biscuts
  6. Pizza
  7. Phone 
  8. Pot Noodles (yes this requires a microwave)
  9. Phone charger
  10. Laptop/tablet
  11. Laptop/tablet charger
  12. Remote control (for TV, Sky/Virgin/Freeview, Playstation/Xbox/DVD)
  13. Water
  14. Juice
  15. Wine
  16. Tea (extreme slobbers may go as far as moving a kettle to their slob zone)
  17. Beer (this may require a mini fridge- a product owned by most extreme slobbers)
  18. A good book
  19. Magazines
  20. An abundance of DVDs
  21. Fifa/GTA5 (for you men)
  22. Blanket 
  23. Dressing gown
  24. Slippers - your feet are bound to get cold, you intend to sit down for a lonnnnnnnnnng time remember
  25. Candles (these create a nice ambience for you slob zone)
  26. Fairy lights (there is never an occasion that fairy lights aren't necessary)
By collecting these items before you slob out begins, you will minimise the number of times that you have to actually stand up and use energy to move around. The ideal plan is to only have to move when you need to use the loo. 

Have I missed anything from the list? What do you have in your #slobzone?

P.S. I strongly recommend building a blanket fort before you begin your slob, that way you can justify your slob out  by explaining to people that you cannot leave because you have defend the slob zone


  1. Love this post, currently having a mini slob fest after a hard day of studying!


    1. I wish I could be having a mini slob fest, I am busy writing an essay that is due for Monday... hm, one is which I am only just starting...... xx

  2. You missed the most important one - Netflix! I'll be slobbing out all weekend because I'm sick :(


    1. HOW could I forget Netflix?! What are you watching at the moment?


  3. Definitely missed out a huge pillow and hot water bottle... or if you can get the same affect with your other half!

    1. Hot water bottle definitely essential! My 'other half' does the job quite well, but he's not quite as comfortable as a pillow...

  4. I like to turn slob outs in to Pamper nights. So essential items for me include nail varnish and face masks. Oh, and hot chocolate. x


  6. MY PERFECT DAY ! What a great post.

    And definitely a hot water bottle!

    And a Pomegranate Chocolate Slab, it would be the perfect addition to Slob DaY! I just posted it earlier.

    Betty x

    The Betty Stamp

  7. I love this, and love the photo!


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