Gay Spy: Magaluf Season Uncovered

Hi everybody, 
So I have an exclusive interview, with a secret gay spy who spent the summer in Magaluf. My spy has actually asked to be kept anonymous, and I will respect this. I would also like to warn any of my easily offended readers that this post is quite graphic and I apologise for any language that may be found insulting.

What's your dirtiest secret from Magaluf?
I ain't got any secrets.

So why do you want to be kept anonymous?
Fine. Don't keep me anonymous. My name is Owen, I am pretty, and sexy and I LOVE IT. 

If you could give one piece of advice for people considering work in Magaluf, what would it be?
Go with a company, as it provides you with a good base for accommodation and a guarantee to meet new people. However, you need to be driven in helping yourself find new job opportunities once you are there.

What would you change about your experience in Magaluf?
My diet plans. Eat out less. Join the gym and take more care of my weight.

What were your highlights of your trip?
I met a lot of reality television stars, such as the cast of the Valleys, Chelsea Ferguson, the TOWIE cast but most of all getting to go to Majorca rocks and seeing big acts like Lily Allen, David Guetta and Ed Sheeran.

Where was the strangest place you slept in Magaluf?
Me and my two friends, met these three lads and we all shared a bed with a lad each. They had a £500 penthouse suite in the ME Miami hotel. Plasma tellys, everything like that... And that guy, actually was from a town round the corner from me.

What do you consider your greatest achievement whilst in Magaluf?
Managing to have 41 straight lads in one season. Oh, and surviving 6 months in a new country and meeting new friends that I will keep for life.

What did you miss most during your time in Maga?
Sister, bed and gym.

You hear a lot in the press about that "bad side" of Magaluf, what's the worst thing that happened while you were there?
Well, let me tell you about a girl who was on the BCM bar crawl, she sucked off 22 guys and got fucked in front of people by 6 guys. And then, a group of lads on their stag doo, took her to BCM and all shagged her. And she got video recorded in the BCM bar, that's I saw it- I wasn't actually there.

So, if you weren't there, what was the worst thing you saw yourself?
A guy and a girl 69ing butt naked on a pool table for about ten minutes.

Sex on the beach... any stories?
One time on the beach, this guy and girl were having sex and this big fat Spanish man went behind them and put his finger insider her and neither of them even noticed. BLERGH!

Did you go skinny dipping at all?
No. Never go skinny dipping. There's always Spanish lads that will rob your stuff from the beach. The amount of people I saw walking back to their hotels naked was crazy. I was once with a guy, and we saw this girl's bag getting stolen whilst she was busy fumbling with a man on sun lounger... It was taken from right next to her and she didn't even notice. Then I watched the Spanish guys emptying her bag out of anything they didn't want as they walked along the beach.

Why didn't you help?
 Because sometimes you don't get involved in business that's not yours.

What have you learned from spending time in Magaluf?
I'm so glad to be gay. Some of them get desperate and go around begging for sex. Cringey!!

Will you be going back next year?
Probably yeah, because of the big opportunities I have for next season. They have got rid of Majorca rocks, for BCM and hopefully I will get a job in there, but will also be able to watch my weight and not gain two stone!

Can you sum up Magaluf in one sentence?
Sun, sex and alcohol: some of the best memories of your life.

I would like to say a special thank you to Owen for being my gay spy in Magaluf for the season- we can't wait to hear all of the juicy gossip from next season!

Jessie x


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