Thought of the day 07/12/2014

Oh, there you are! Hello, Sunday! 

I love Sundays. However, I must admit that it does depend on the job you have; how well you have organised yourself through the week; and generally what has to be done on the day. But that's like any day is it not?

For me, most of the time, I like to consider Sundays as being a delightfully lazy day. One of those, slow starts, nice breakfast; pop to the shops (if you must); do the washing (because you must); get the odd jobs that need doing, done. But altogether, I enjoy the general laid back approach that comes with it being a Sunday. 

Not to mention the fact that all the best programmes are/were Sunday ones... Downton Abbey, Desperate Housewives...

My Scottish Sundays are very different to the ones I grew up with in England. 

In England (for my family anyway), it is rare to have a Sunday pass without seeing family; more often that not you will have a Sunday Roast; shops shut at 4/5 (in my opinion this encourages relaxation!)

In contrast, I have noticed that Sundays don't seem to have the same weighting in Scotland. I have lived here for almost four years now, so this judgement is based on what I have noticed in this time. 

One thing that still confuses me to this day, is there are no (or few) Sunday trading hour restrictions. So, 24-7 shops, literally are, 24-7 shops. Also, the traditional family Sunday lunch doesn't really seem to have reached Scotland. I mean, don't get me wrong, obviously family meals have the same presence in life, but the ritual of this happening every Sunday seems to have stayed South of the border. 

What do you do on a Sunday?

Today, I am lucky that I am in Scotland, as I have an entire day of essay writing. Fun fun funnnnnnnnnnnn.


  1. I can't say I'm super productive on Sundays, because I'm usually a bit hungover :( Terrible, I know. In the evening though I like to cook a nice dinner and have a friend over to watch a movie.


    1. But the hangover is worth it if you had a good night! Hope you enjoy tonights movie, xx


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