Oh, there you are! Hello, Sunday!
I love Sundays. However, I must admit that it does depend on the job you have; how well you have organised yourself through the week; and generally what has to be done on the day. But that's like any day is it not?
For me, most of the time, I like to consider Sundays as being a delightfully lazy day. One of those, slow starts, nice breakfast; pop to the shops (if you must); do the washing (because you must); get the odd jobs that need doing, done. But altogether, I enjoy the general laid back approach that comes with it being a Sunday.
Not to mention the fact that all the best programmes are/were Sunday ones... Downton Abbey, Desperate Housewives...
My Scottish Sundays are very different to the ones I grew up with in England.
In England (for my family anyway), it is rare to have a Sunday pass without seeing family; more often that not you will have a Sunday Roast; shops shut at 4/5 (in my opinion this encourages relaxation!)
In contrast, I have noticed that Sundays don't seem to have the same weighting in Scotland. I have lived here for almost four years now, so this judgement is based on what I have noticed in this time.
One thing that still confuses me to this day, is there are no (or few) Sunday trading hour restrictions. So, 24-7 shops, literally are, 24-7 shops. Also, the traditional family Sunday lunch doesn't really seem to have reached Scotland. I mean, don't get me wrong, obviously family meals have the same presence in life, but the ritual of this happening every Sunday seems to have stayed South of the border.
I can't say I'm super productive on Sundays, because I'm usually a bit hungover :( Terrible, I know. In the evening though I like to cook a nice dinner and have a friend over to watch a movie.
But the hangover is worth it if you had a good night! Hope you enjoy tonights movie, xx